Strategic Project for the Vesuvius Area

Naples is reborn East






Expanding urban regeneration actions from the eastern area of Naples to the nine Vesuvius municipalities of the Pompeii Buffer Zone. The challenge launched in 2010 on Eastern Naples is renewed and now it comes to embrace the entire Vesuvius and coastal metropolitan area.

Every model of urban redevelopment as well as economic and social development that intends to be really effective for eastern Naples can not in fact ignore a macro-area vision that includes also the Vesuvius coastal area, especially in light of the constitution of the Metropolitan City of Naples (third in Italy by inhabitants, but first by population density).

Without resorting to public funding, a group of entrepreneurs is thus keen to inaugurate a new season of doing things by launching a series of enhancement projects related to two strategic areas for the relaunch of both the city of Naples and the Campania Region: eastern Naples and the Vesuvius coastal area that includes the nine municipalities of the Pompeii Buffer Zone.

L’Associazione NaplEst et Pompei è composta da 25 associati

Chi Siamo

The Naplest et Pompei Association was set up on July 29th 2015 by a group of Neapolitan entrepreneurs in order to unite the urban regeneration actions launched in 2012 in the eastern area of ​​Naples by the NaplEST Committee in a single strategic vision of revitalization and development of the nine Vesuvius municipalities that are part of the Pompeii Buffer Zone.

Potenza progettuale e visione strategica al servizio del territorio


Without resorting to public funding, a group of entrepreneurs is thus keen to inaugurate a new season of doing things by launching a series of enhancement projects related to two strategic areas for the relaunch of both the city of Naples and the Campania Region: eastern Naples and the Vesuvius coastal area that includes the nine municipalities of the Pompeii Buffer Zone.

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